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The following is a list of available scholarships and instructions on how to apply. Students can apply for more than one scholarship. Please submit a separate application for each scholarship you wish to apply for. 


Scholarships must be used to assist with costs towards further studies at the College and will be paid into the student’s school fees account.


LP & JA  Fryer -   $500 Current Year 10 student for high achievement across all aspects of the  program and making a positive contribution to the College environment.                     


Alcoa -  $500 Current Year 11 student for high achievement across all aspects of the program and making a positive contribution to the College environment.           


Friends of Harvey Ag College -  $250 Current Year 10 who has overcome personal adversity and experienced success at Harvey.          


Harvey Agricultural Society -  $1000 Current Year 11 who has overcome personal adversity  and experienced success at Harvey. 


Farmwest - $200  Current Year 11 student with a specific interest and aptitude in cattle. 


Harvey Bulls  Football & Netball Club - $250 Current Year 10 or 11 student who currently plays football or netball for the Harvey Bulls, is community orientated and shows commitment to school and the team. 


Brunswick Agricultural Society - $3000 (paid over 2 years i.e. $1500 Year 11 & $1500 Year 12). Applicants will have an interview with a selection panel consisting of WACOA Harvey staff and Brunswick  Agricultural Society members. The recipient will be required to attend and assist at  the annual Brunswick Show.   Current Year 10 student whose involvement in Agriculture at the College  and in their personal life indicates a commitment to, and an intent to pursue a  career in Agriculture and has also demonstrated community involvement.               


Royal Agricultural Society -  $1500 Current Year 11 Boarding Student who demonstrates a potential of of Western Australia  being involved in an accepted career in agriculture.


WA Shearing Industry Assoc. Neville Munns Memorial  -  $500 Voucher to Top Gun for purchase of shearing equipment.   Current Year 11 student with an outstanding aptitude and ability in shearing or wool handling and has demonstrated an interest in pursuing a career in the sheep and wool industry.                       


WAFarmers  - $500 + complimentary annual membership to AgConnectWA (value $200) valid for Agriculture Ambassador 12 months, complimentary tickets to all AgConnect events (value $200) valid for 12 months and a complimentary ticket to attend the WAFarmers Dairy Conference. Current Year 11 student with high performance, and effective communication and taking an active part in industry engagement opportunities.  The dairy industry is a key focus for this scholarship.


McSwain Family Foundation  Agricultural Scholarship  $1000 - Current Year 11 Boarding Student who demonstrates a keen interest, passion and proactiveness within the agricultural industry. 


In applying for a scholarship applicants are to provide the following:


1.  Application letter addressing the specific intent of the scholarship you are applying for.  Suggestions of what to include in your letter are;

  • Your contribution to the College. 

  • Your course at the College and areas of success.

  • Your involvement in agriculture / related trades outside of school.

  • What additional efforts you are making at the College outside of your normal course to maximise your outcomes.

  • Your future plans for employment and steps to get there.

  • Why you believe you are a worthy recipient.

  • Personal adversities you have overcome and how you have succeeded.


2. Resume outlining background, skills and experiences.


3.  Any additional evidence to support your application. 


The closing date for applications will be advised in October each year. Late applications will not be accepted. 


Completed applications can be emailed to the College at or hard copies handed into the front office.


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